

Game speed is always a major talking point for new FIFA 16





Game speed is always a major talking point for new FIFA 16

Quicker turning animations, better AI tracking of runners, and the ability to jump up out of a missed slide tackle with a single button press to keep momentum make defending the best it has been for years, and the most enjoyable, to boot. Add in the much improved (providing you play on professional or higher) goalkeepers, and goals start to become much more of a nhl coins rarity. Whereas a 3-2 or 4-3 would be classed as a close game in previous years, this year a 1-0 win is the more common score line. At long last women are represented in a football game. Considering the impact last year's terrific Women's World Cup had on broadening the appeal of the sport, this is a welcomingly inclusive move on EA's part.

FIFA 16��s mechanics have actually changed, in case you��re wondering. It has been made a touch slower, and more realistic to true life. More precise passing is now required to retain possession and set up chances. Some might not enjoy the realism factor and players can feel like they��ve been slowed down too much if you��re directly comparing to FIFA 15, but someone picking the game up fresh should enjoy the realistic speeds hut coins sale and dynamics. Career mode has had a few new additions this year, most apparent is the ability to train your players in between matches to upgrade their stats. You can train a specific amount of players manually by completing certain training drills. The better you do in the drills, the more a particular player��s stats will increase. If you can��t be bothered to train your players, you can just sim each training session. I don��t really see the point of this inclusion into career mode.

It's hard to know why I, and millions of other football fans across the world, get so excited about the release of a new game that is, let's face it, basically the same thing year on year. But we do and FIFA is back with it's usual raft of tweaks designed to keep the game moving forward as well as the usual staple of fan favorites. FIFA 16 Ultimate Team has been improved by EA Sports. FIFA 16 Ultimate Team, career and manager mode, online pro clubs, challenges and team of the week features are all back for more. There is a brand new FIFA Trainer guide to help newbies learn the ropes, but it is also useful for experienced players looking to take their skills to the next level. The first, and probably most impressive, thing you notice is the graphics. This is always the area where FIFA has wiped the floor with Pro Evo and built its reputation as the No.1 football game on the planet.

Game speed is always a major talking point for new FIFA titles and FIFA 16 (you'll hopefully be pleased to hear) is noticeably slower than its predecessor, even on the "Normal" setting. I asked Aaron Mchardy (Lead Gameplay Producer) if that was by design, and his response was a resounding "Yes". Jog and sprint speeds are slower, acceleration curves are slower, passing is slower, but crucially the game has kept it's sharpness in motion. But FIFA 16 isn't just about unilaterally slowing things down, this is part of a much wider plan to allow the intricacies of the engine to become more prominent, and impact-full to the end user. Many of the neat subtleties now on show in abundance were probably there in previous FIFA's, but they were undoubtedly shrouded by the reliance of pace and strength to create excitement within the engine. As it turns out, just being able to play good football trumps those previous FIFA themes significantly.




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